Let's start the new year right, shall we?

How many years have you been making the same promise of getting in shape as your new year resolution but never actually going through with it? Well how about we start 2019 off the right foot this time by literally running in to it? Following me?
Every year, thousands of people ring in the new year by participating in the New York Road Runners’ Midnight Run in Central Park. This first race of the year kicks off at midnight right after the countdown at 11:59 pm on December 31. This nonprofit running organization has been hosting this four-miles race since 1970 and people from all levels of fitness can join in! So whether you’re a marathon runner champion or someone that runs once in awhile to catch their bus in the morning, you can get an early start on your goals and hope for the new year by attending this fun and healthy event! Arrive early, because the party starts at 10pm with live DJs to warm you up before the run and after you cross the finish line, you’re welcomed back with post-race bagels and more dancing beats to keep the night going!
So pack up your running shoes and mixed it up a bit this year by booking a trip to New York with us now to join in the festivities!
You can register for the race by clicking on the link right here https://www.nyrr.org/races-and-events/2018/nyrr-midnight-run, and book a trip to New York by clicking on this one https://www.frenzytours.com/1-trips/new-york.html
Don’t wait up!