FRIENDS pop-up in New York!

Did you spend the 90’s and early 2000s following the lives of Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey? Or did you join the fandom later, as you grew up? Either way, the FRIENDS pop-up is opening in the Big Apple this week-end and let me tell you, you’re not going to want to miss this.
The exhibit will be opening this coming Saturday and will only last until October 6th in SoHo. The pop-up isn’t just going to be a recreation of the show’s iconic Central Perk, although that will be a part of the “show” too. You’ll be getting a real life experience to reenact your favorite scenes and feel like you lived with the 6 friends.
If you attend, you’ll be able to attempt to pivot the couch up the stairs, you can participate in your very own “I’ll be there for you” montage and you’ll get a long hard look at Rachel’s hairstyle through the years. There will even be prop costumes, like Joey’s outfit of Chandler’s clothing.
If you’re a FRIENDS fan, this is an experience you simply cannot miss and if you were never that into them, going might be your perfect chance to take pictures for your friends who wish they could join you. Since the exhibit is just a pop-up, don’t wait any longer and check out this link to see our packs for trips to New York!