Frenzy Tours is pleased to introduce Escale à Boston from Ulysses travel guides.
After offering you Escale à New York for your trip to the Big Apple, Frenzy Tours introduces its new travel guide: Escale à Boston from voyage Ulysses. This practical guide proposes eight detailed itineraries to discover many of Boston’s diverse neighborhoods. You can choose from: Cambridge and it’s famous university campuses (Harvard and MIT), Chinatown and the theater district, North End’s Little Italy by the shore with its aquariums and cruises, the Back Bay observatory and high-end boutiques, Beacon Hill with its alleys and paved sidewalks surrounded by gaslights. You have the opportunity to lay your hands on this precious travel guide by choosing one of Frenzy Tour’s five departures to Boston, on May 18th, August 2nd and 31st , October 12th and 25th . To learn more about the Escale à Boston travel guide, don’t hesitate to check out Ulysses’s website:,9782765803003,product.html