We love to put a smile on your face so we came today with some great news!

I love to be the bearer of good news, and this one is going to make your gloomy Monday a little sunnier!
Our trip to Philadelphia and Washington is back!
Its official folks, 4 marvelous days spent between the old and the new capital of the United States! Good stuff, am I right?
We have one trip organized for these destinations so let me break it down for you so that you don’t make the mistake of missing out on it!
Rich in history, during your trip in Philadelphia we will take you on a walking tour of the history district, on a bus tour of The City of Brotherly Love and on a guided tour of the Eastern State Penitentiary! Sounds familiar right? That’s because the infamous Al Capone once spent a few nights over there...
After you’ve had the time to digest the copious meal of history we served you in Phili, off you go to our next stop, Washington, where we’ll kick things off with a bus tour of the whole entire city, followed by the chance to visit one of the FREE numerous museum of the Smithsonian Institution!
I highly recommend the Air and Space Museum! Why? Hum… control modul of Apollo 11, that’s why! Plus do I have to repeat that it’s free?
This is just a glimpse at the many highlights of this trip so make sure you head onto our website to learn more and to book yourself a room ASAP!
PS: Breakfast along with free wifi on the bus and in the hotel is also included so… sign me up s’il vous plait!